19 March 2013

"It Works!" by RHJ ~ Full Transcript & Review of "The Famous Little Red Book That Makes Your Dreams Come True!"

Below is "It Works!" with my review in red letters. I shouldn't say much here, so I'll leave my review and the text of "It Works!" to speak for itself. Enjoy, in joy! ~ JVR

IT WORKS by RHJ ~ oooh, mysterious anonymous author could suck people in or deter them, what do you choose? Matters not to me...
"The Famous Little Red Book That Makes Your Dreams Come True!" ~ the book does not do anything. YOU do it all. The book just has The Plan written inside. I like the enthusiasm though.
*the author sent the manuscript of this book for criticism to a friend who returned it with the notation, "It WORKS. (from JFS)" This judgement born of experience was adopted as the title of the book. - Publishers ~ Short and sweet. I like it already.
"All who joy would win must share it, Happiness is born a twin." - BYRON ~ I do not know who Byron is, but not only is the author mysterious, but the publishing company too. Dig into it all, it'll take you places... oh, it will.

Copyright 1926, 1953
ISBN: 978-087516-323-9
Forty-fourth Printing, 2008

DeVorss & Company, Publisher
PO Box 1389
Camarillo, CA 93011-1389

A concise, definite, resultful plan with rules, explanations and suggestions for bettering your condition in life.

If you KNOW what you WANT you can HAVE IT ~ I find this a bit misleading and contradictory for them to put out there so boldly as the whole book seems to center on the key of knowing HOW to go about the getting part. Just knowing and wanting does not mean you can have it.

The man who wrote this book is highly successful and widely known for his generosity and helpful spirit. he gives full credit for all that he has accomplished in mastering circumstances, accumulating wealth, and winning friends to the silent working out of the simple, yet powerful truth which he tells of in his work. He shows you here an easy, open road to a larger, happier life. Knowing that the greatest good comes from helping others without expecting praise, the author of this work has requested that his name be omitted.

Are some people born under a lucky star or other charm which enables them to have all that which seems so desirable, and if not, what is the cause of the difference in conditions under which men live?

Many years ago, feeling that there must be a logical answer to this question, I decided to find out, if possible, what it was. I found the answer to my own satisfaction, and for years, have given the information to others who have used it successfully.

From a scientific, psychological or theological viewpoint, some of the following statements may be interpreted as incorrect, but nevertheless, the plan has brought the results desired to those who have followed the simple instructions, and it is my sincere belief that I am now presenting it in a way which will bring happiness and possessions to many more.

"If wishes were horses, beggars would ride," is the attitude taken by the average man and woman in regard to possessions. They are not aware of a power so near that it is overlooked; so simple in operation that it is difficult to conceive, and so sure in results that it is not made use of consciously, or recognized as the cause of failure or success.

"Gee, I wish that were mine," is the outburst of Jimmy, the office boy, as a new red roadster goes by; and Florence, the telephone operator, expresses the same thought regarding a ring in the jeweler's window; while poor old Jones, the bookkeeper, during the Sunday stroll, replies to his wife, "Yes, dear, it would be nice to have a home like that, but it is out of the question. We will have to continue to rent." Landem, the salesman, protests that he does all the work, gets the short end of the money and will some day quit his job and find a real one, and President Bondum, in his private sanctorum, voices a bitter tirade against the annual attack of hay-fever.

At home it is much the same. Last evening, father declared that daughter Mabel was headed straight for disaster, and today, mother's allowance problem and other tring affairs fade into insignificance as she exclaims, "This is the last straw. Robert's school teacher wants to see me this afternoon. His reports are terrible, I know, but I'm late for Bridge now. She'll have to wait until tomorrow." So goes the endless stream of expressions like these from millions of people in all classes who give no thought to what they really want, and who are getting all they are entitled to or expect. ~ reminds me of when I heard the song "Just" by Radiohead for the first time... "you do it to yourself, you do and that's what really hurts. you do it to yourself just you, you and no one else, you do it to yourself."

If you are one of these millions of thoughtless talkers or wishers and would like to decided change from your present condition, you can have it; but first of all you must know what you want and this is no easy task. When you can train your OBJECTIVE MIND (the mind you use everyday) to decide definitely upon the things or conditions you desire, you will have taken your first big step in accomplishing or securing what you know you want.

To get what you want is no more mysterious or uncertain than the radio waves all around you. Tune in correctly and you get a perfect result, but to do this it is, of course, necessary to know something of your equipment and have a plan of operation. ~ humans operate on a miniscule frequency of an eternal, consciousness radio of the All. To think we know anything is hilarious to me, but probably blasphemous in the face of the Universal Mind.

You have within you a mighty power, anxious and willing to serve you, a power capable of giving you that which you earnestly desire. This power is described by Thomson Jay Hudson, Ph.D., LL.D., author of "The Law of Psychic Phenomena," as your SUBJECTIVE MIND. Other learned writers use different names and terms, but all agree that it is omnipotent. Therefore, I call this Power "Emmanuel" (God in us). ~ my Grampa's middle name is Emmanuel. I wonder if he ever read this book?

Regardless of the name of this Great Power, or the conscious admission of a God, the Power is capable and willing to carry to a complete and perfect conclusion every earnest desire of your objective mind, but you must be really in earnest about what you want. ~ a great question to be asked over and over... are you EARNEST? What does your heart say? Where is your heart? STOP THINKING, especially with your Left-brain!

Occasional wishing or half-hearted wanting does not form a perfect connection or communication with your omnipotent power. You must be in earnest, sincerely and truthfully desiring certain conditions or things - mental, physical, or spiritual.

Your objective mind and will are so vacillating that you usually only WISH for things and the wonderful, capable power within you does not function.

Most wishes are simply coval expressions. Jimmy, the office boy, gave no thought of possessing the red roadster. Landem, the salesman, was not thinking of any other job or even thinking at all. President Bondum knew he had hay fever and was expecting it. Father's business was quite likely successful, and mother no doubt brought home first prize from the Bridge party that day, but they had no fixed idea of what they really wanted their children to accomplish and were actually helping to bring about the unhappy conditions which existed.

If you are in earnest about changing your present condition, here is a concise, definite, resultful plan, with rules, explanations and suggestions.

Write down on paper in order of their importance the things and conditions you really want. Do not be afraid of wanting too much. Go the limit in writing down your wants. Change the list daily, adding to or taking from it, until you have it about right. Do not be discouraged on account of changes, as this is natural. There will always be changes and additions with accomplishments and increasing desires.

1) Read the list of what you want three times each day: morning, noon, and night.
2) Think of what you want as often as possible.
3) Do not talk to anyone about your plan except to the Great Power within you which will unfold to your Objective Mind the method of accomplishment.

It is obvious that you cannot acquire faith at the start. Some of your desires, from all practical reasoning, may seem positively unattainable, but, nevertheless, write them down on your list in their proper place of importance to you.

There is no need to analyze how this Power within you is going to accomplish your desires. Such a procedure is as unnecessary as trying to figure out why a grain of corn placed in fertile soil shoots up a green stalk, blossoms and produces an ear of corn containing hundreds of grains, each capable of doing what the one grain did. If you will follow this definite plan and carry out the three simple rules, the method of accomplishment will unfold quite as mysteriously as the ear of corn appears on the stalk, and in most cases much sooner than you expect. ~ Sounds easy right?
When new desires, deserving position at or about the top of your list, come to you, then you may rest assured you are progressing correctly.

Removing from your list items which at first you thought you wanted, is another sure indication of progress.

It is natural to be skeptical and have doubts, distrust and questionings, but when these thoughts arise, get out your list. Read it over; or if you have it memorized, talk to your inner self about your desires until the doubts that interfere with your progress are gone. Remember, nothing can prevent your having that which you earnestly desire. Others have these things. Why not you? ~ I do not like those last two sentiments... it seems "It Works!" gets a bit materialistic, but maybe that's my ego rearing its ugly head? What do you feel about that?

The Omnipotent Power within you does not enter into any controversial argument. It is waiting and willing to serve when you are ready, but your objective mind is so susceptible to suggestion that it is almost impossible to make any satisfactory progress when surround by skeptics. Therefore, choose your friends carefully and associate with people who now have some of the things you really want, but do not discuss your method of accomplishment with them.

Put down on your list of wants such material things as money, home, automobile, or whatever it may be, but do not stop there. Be more definite. If you want an automobile, decide what kind, style, price, color, and all the other details, including when you want it. If you want a home, plan the structure, grounds and furnishings. Decide on location and cost. If you want money, write down the amount. If you want to break a record in your business, put it down. It may be a sales record. If so, write out the total, the date required, then the number of items you must sell to make it, also list your prospects and put after each name the sum expected. This may seem very foolish at first, but you can never realize your desires if you do not know positively and in detail what you want and when you want it. If you cannot decide this, you are not in earnest. You must be definite, and when you are, results will be surprising and almost unbelievable.

A natural and ancient enemy will no doubt appear when you get your first taste of accomplishment. This enemy is Discredit, in form of such thoughts as: "It can't be possible; it just happened to be. What a remarkable coincidence!"

When such thoughts occur give thanks and assert credit to your Omnipotent Power for the accomplishment. By doing this, you gain assurance and more accomplishment, and in time, prove to yourself that there is a law, which actually works-at all times-when you are in tune with it.

Sincere and earnest thanks cannot be given without gratitude and it is impossible to be thankful and grateful without being happy. Therefore, when you are thanking your greatest and best friend, your Omnipotent Power, for gifts received, do so with all your soul, and let it be reflected in your face. The Power and what it does is beyond understanding. Do no try to understand it, but accept the accomplishment with thankfulness, happiness, and strengthened faith.

It is possible to want and obtain that which will make you miserable; that which will make you miserable; that which will wreck the happiness of others; that which will cause sickness and death; that which will rob you of eternal life. You can have what you want, but you must take all that goes with it: so in planning your wants, plan that which you are sure will give to you and your fellow man the greatest good here on earth; thus paving the way to that future hope beyond the pale of human understanding.

This method of securing what you want applies to everything you are capable of desiring and the scope being so great, it is suggested that your first list consist of only those things with which you are quite familiar, such as an amount of money or accomplishment, or the possession of material things. Such desires as these are more easily and quickly obtained than the discontinuance of fixed habits, the welfare of others, and the healing of mental or bodily ills.

Accomplish the lesser things first. Then take the next step, and when that is accomplished, you will seek the higher and really important objectives in life, but long before you reach this stage of your progress, many worthwhile desires will find their place on your list. One will be to help others as you have been helped. Great is the reward to those who help and give without thought of self, as it is impossible to be unselfish without gain.

A short while ago, Dr. Emil Coue came to this country and showed thousands of people how to help themselves. Thousands of people how to help themselves. Thousands of others spoofed at the idea, refused his assistance and are today where they were before his visit.

So with the statements and plan presented to you now. You can reject or accept. You can remain as you are or have anything you want. The choice is yours, but God grant that you may find in this short volume the inspiration to choose aright, follow the plan and thereby obtain, as so many others have, all thing, whatever they may be, that you desire. ~ Is not every moment a choice? The eternal laugh... a vibration of the Divine!
Read the entire book over again, and again, AND THEN AGAIN. Memorize the three simple rules on pages thirteen and fourteen. Test them now on what you want most this minute. This book cold have extended easily over 350 pages, but it has been deliberately shortened to make it as easy as possible for you to read, understand and use. Will you try it? Thousands of bettered lives will testify to the fact that IT WORKS.

Dear Reader: The great possessions in life are all GIFTS mysteriously bestowed: sight, hearing, aspiration, love or life itself. The same is true of ideas-the richest of them are given to us, as for instance, the powerful idea which this book has given you. What are you going to do with it? Are you surprised when I tell you the most profitable thing you can do is to give it away? You can do this in an easy and practical way by having this book sent to those you know who NEED IT. In this way, you can help in the distribution of this worthwhile effort to make the lives of others better and happier. You know people who are standing still or who are worried and discouraged. This is your chance to HELP THEM HELP THEMSELVES. If you withhold this book from them you will lose the conscious satisfaction that comes from doing good. If you see that they get this book, then you put yourself in line with the Law of Life which says, "You get by giving," and you may rightly expect prosperity and achievement. At the very least you will have the inner sense of having done a good deed with no hope of being openly thanked and your reward will come secretly in added power and larger life.
~ THE AUTHOR ~ So, I believe this is another grand tool that has helped me build the reality of the Now I am currently occupying. I hoped to share this with many and All. Please have feedback for me and others and share til your heart's content. Thank you for visiting and reading. Namaste ~ YHVH, Om. ~ JVR

09 January 2013

Eileen at 16 ~ my Grandmother, 1946 - "Remember"

I am going thru a large case of old family photos to scan and digitally save. I came across a 5-page typed piece entitled Remember, with "written at age 16" scribbled across the top. I knew my Gramma wrote little poems here n there over the years but I was never aware of how she got to that place... I can see the budding poet in this sweet, yet spoiled outburst of innocent and wistful prose. I think I know where I got my love for the written word... the whimsy and the romance. She was all those things and she stays with me, not only the glamorous image, but her laugh and tone of her voice. She'll continue to whisper to me until I reach the dimension where her soul resides. I love you Gramma...

I felt compelled to share this with the world. A tribute to the her innocence, the time, and the love that surrounded her entire life. The picture is of her with my Great Grandfather.

Eileen, age 16, 1946. *Transcribed with all original punctuation and grammar.


I've been sitting alone in my room for almost an hour. The lamp beside my chair has spilled a puddle of golden nothingness into my lap and on the floor. From the kitchen the clatter of dishes being washed and put away, reaches with restless, disturbing fingers beneath the crack of my closed door. Outside, our neighbor hammers ceaselessly, nerve wrackingly at the roof of his newly built garage. It must be finished"before the snow flies!" I can see the moon hanging silvery thin in the branches of our poplar tree. I could touch it, almost. If I could dream as I did when I was seven, I could touch the moon! However, I'm past the stage of that kind of dreaming now. Still, I can't help feeling just a little wistful.

A multitude of thoughts keep running, walking, strolling though my mind, each out of step with, unrelated to the other. One, more persistent than the others is jeering derisively at me and insists upon directing my unwilling eyes to the large white envelope lying on the table beside me. Through the tears that have suddenly, without warning welled up in my eyes, I can see the words I wrote many months ago wobbling crazily across the smooth surface of that envelope. PROM FLOWERS NOVEMBER 1945*--DIDN'T GO.
Holding the familiar envelope in my hands, I'm trying in vain to quiet the little voice inside my head. That monstrous Demon! He lilts gleefully over and over again, remember, remember, remember! Why should I live it all over now, a whole year later? Sensibly, another voice is saying, of course you'll remember. Each time you hear the excited what-kind-ofs, who-withs and wheres that come inevitably with the nearing of Prom night, you'll remember. ”

Becoming partly reconciled to this certainty I find myself pulling gently at the contents of the envelope. Once again I'm holding the new brown and brittle bit of ribbon and leaves that is the only tangible thing I have left of last year's Prom. The two gardenias once velvety to the touch, deliciously dreamy cool and headily fragrant are now paper-thin and unlovely, bereft in death, of their former delicacy. Once shining emerald green leaves waxed to perfection are now gray, seamed and old, old! Only the silver ribbons remain intact, rather frayed at the ends but still able to shimmer at me as the light falls on them.

It all started on a July night a year ago. I had been dating one boy since school let out in June. He and I had talked about everything imaginable during the weeks we were learning to know and understand each other. However, we skirted around the subject of school. I suppose we both subconsciously thought that as long as school was out for three blessed months -- forget it!

That July evening we had taken a walk, just leisurely exploring side streets, not talking much, not caring where we were going. Finally we found a mere handkerchief-sized park tucked in among the rows of houses and we stopped. We scorned its border of benches, he sprawling in the soft grass, I leaning back against the foot of a tree near him. It was a soft warm night and the air was full of mysterious rustlings and twitterings.

We began to talk then, about the things we'd done that day about the people we knew and then, unexpectedly, about the Prom... He had been quiet for a moment. Then casually he said, "what kind of formal are you going to wear to the Prom? We're going, you know!" I glanced at him quickly and caught him as he slanted a questioning look my way. I'm afraid my reaction must have disappointed him. Although inside I was whirling round and round on a fluffy, pink cloud, outwardly I managed to appear as calm as if he had just said, "let's go to the show tomorrow night."

The Prom! My dearest wish had been, was, and still is, to be a part of that annual long anticipated affair. From that night on I dreamed outrageous dreams, dreams just a little vain and self-important. But I guess every girl planning to go to the Prom, dreams of being the loveliest girl there. I visualized myself looking exotic in a sheath of black satin, a single strand of pearls enhancing its beauty. Then I saw myself floating on a cloud of white net sprinkled with stars, a halo of stars in my hair to match those in my eyes. I tried on a gown of every color and style imaginable, twirling and turning before the mirror of my mind.

Meanwhile the summer days fled past and lazy, golden September came and with it school again. As the weeks went by, more and more we girls gathered in tight little knots to chatter endlessly concerning formals, "our men" and destinations for after the Prom.

My would-be escort had arranged everything with another couple who had a car. So we were all set for "after the Prom." It's a known fact that a car on Prom night is definitely a necessity!

Finally Mom decided it was time to start our search for The Formal. Little fool that I was, I started out, blithely thinking I'd find a perfect dream of a dress at the very first store we went into. Not so! None was so weary and discouraged as I, unless it was poor, harassed Mom, when we finally decided to find a restaurant where we could relax and I could collect my frantic thoughts. Surely, somewhere in Milwaukee, The Formal was hanging just waiting for me to come find it. At helpful, hopeful Mom's suggestion, I fairly shrieked, "I simply can't wear that formal I wore in a Junior High School play - - it's so childish!"

After soothing me with gentle words of reassurance and lunch, Mom remembered a place we hadn't tried. Once she'd gotten a lovely dress there. So we went, we looked, and we found it. I knew the moment I held it up against me that I'd found The Formal! I went back to the little dressing room and slipped it on shivering with delight as the whispering folds of black and rose taffeta settled about my feet. Vaguely I heard the saleswoman murmuring typical saleswomanish phrases, but I was barely conscious of her presence. I was on that fluffy pink cloud again, whirling and whirling.

Of course, we bought the dress. Although it could have been sent to Kenosha, I insisted upon carrying it in it's awkward box. How I struggled on the crowded train! But it was worth my trouble for didn't I have it then, hanging in my closest so that I could look at it, touch it, every hour.

When he called the next day, I began at once to describe the formal in detail. Then I stopped. His voice! "What's the matter," I managed weakly, "You haven't got a cold?" A hoarse "yes" was all I needed. A dreadful feeling of hopelessness came over me. Suppose we couldn't go! Suppose *-- again I stopped. How selfish, how terribly, unthinkably selfish I was being. Certainly his health was more important than six Proms. I tried to assure him that he could most certainly be rid of his cold in a week. In fact I had some really find cold pills that would fix him up in no time. Had he signed up? Yes-- well then, we had nothing to worry about. Everything would turn out. I crossed my fingers as I spoke.

That Saturday morning and we had a date for that night. When I saw him, I knew that my cold pills would have to work miracles. I dosed him with two, and so fortified, we went out. He was miserable, I could see. But he tried so hard to be his gay, normal self that he had me believing things would turn out in our favor.

On Sunday his cold seemed better. I breathed easier, and then --- the following week was an eternity of worry for me. He didn't attend school at all that week and the few times he could call me, his voice told me that he was a very sick boy.

On Friday afternoon, just eight hours before the Prom, he came to school. He could barely talk and he was so weak, I could have cried just watching him. I knew he'd gotten out of a sick bed for me and my throat hurt with the tenderness I felt for him.

At about five o'clock the boy we were about to double with drove him to the house. He came in with a florists box. I opened it with trembling fingers and held my first corsage close to my lips. Oh no, I couldn't cry. I mustn't, not then! For, after one look at his dark eyes, I knew what an effort he had made. They were heavy and dull with fever and his cracked lips couldn't even manage a smile for me. I thanked him with my eyes; I didn't trust myself to speak. He left soon, saying he'd call me or have the other boy call to let me know whether we would go or not.

Then, I began the ritual of bathing, hair combing and making-up, slowly, careful not to think too much. By eight I was ready except for my dress. Then the phone rang. I crossed my fingers and with my heart pounding in my throat, picked up the receiver. Oh, to hear his voice saying we'd go. I listened carefully as the other boy said, "He's in no condition to go anywhere -- in a coma -- doctors." I caught these words and my mind went into a tail-spin. As calmly as I could, I thanked the other boy and hung up. Then not calmly at all, I began to cry -- for myself, for the dress that couldn't be worn, for the night that wouldn't be ours and then not for myself at all.

He was in a coma! Perhaps it was pneumonia! Suddenly I wanted to be near him, to help him in some way. He had gotten out of bed to get my flowers; to bring them to me. How he lay suffering because of that, while I sat crying in self-pity.

I took my flowers from their green tissue paper nest and held them close to my face. If only I could tell him that nothing mattered except that he get well and strong again. I had his flowers, hadn't I.

I slept with those flowers beside me that night. In the morning I called his home and his sister assured me that he was resting easier and was out of danger. The relief that swept over me, left me weak. I pressed the flowers close to my face and cried away the worries that lurked like cobwebs in my mind.

(hand-written ending) He's well and strong now, of course. We've done a lot of dancing and laughing together since then. The dress had been sold and my thoughts very seldom touch on the memory. It's only when I hold the flowers, rather the remainder of the flowers, that it all comes back to me so poignantly again.